

Era un día lluvioso, y una prima quería comprar un vestido para una fiesta, ya era de noche, y fuimos a un centro comercial, llamado “La gran plaza”… buscamos hasta cansarnos, y no encontramos nada. La mañana siguiente, ella quería seguir buscando… el clima seguía horrible, no tenía ganas de ir, pero acepté. Llegamos a “Plaza Galerías” a las 2 pm, y comenzamos a buscar unos zapatos para mi primo, y ropa y más ropa para él. Siendo honesta, yo estaba tan aburrida, que comencé a ponerme de mal humor… y seguí así por un rato, hasta que por milagro, terminamos con las compras de mi primo, y comenzamos con la de mi prima, (yo no tenía planeado comprar nada, pero es más divertido ver ropa y zapatos de mujer, a de niño de 9 años). Vimos una tienda de ropa qué está justo frente a h&m… en mi vida había comprado en esa tienda, pero entré con mi prima solo a ver. Entré buscando unos Jeans, porque ya no tenía… y buscando tallas, se acercó un niño, súper cute… alto, con una ...


Me gustaría aclarar, que quizás sea cierto lo que leerás aquí… quizás es ciencia ficción. Y no ganarás nada intentando descubrir qué versión es. Aún no estoy muy segura de... si es posible que un amor tan intenso, pueda durar mucho tiempo… pero, aquí te dejo, las historias más bonitas, que alguna vez haya visto, escuchado y sentido. Bienvenido.


This was, without a doubt, one of the most powerful and well-crafted books I have re ad in a really long time.  Elements that made this book outstanding: 1) It started with a map and a family tree. Talk about setting yourself up for success! 2) The personification of emotion. This might not make sense unless you've read the book, but wow it was powerful. 3) The use of fairy tales from the main character to describe situations. 4) The sense of complete mystery and suspicion: I was always questioning everything. 5) The use of dramatic lines. You know when an author brings in an epic moment-stopping line? This was full of those awesome drops! 6) The moment. There's a moment where all is revealed and IT WAS PERFECT. 7) The consequential understanding. Everything suddenly clicked into place and it was glorious. 8) The side characters. I think sometimes side characters can feel inconsequential and here they felt really important. I absolutely recomm...


A bunch of skeletons kiss, hug, and dance in front of a crowd ... to make an excellent point about love. Also, it's not scary, I promise.

[Lets talk about feelings]

It's not always about sex, sometimes the best type of intimacy is where you just lay back, laugh together at the stupidest things, hold each other, and enjoy each others company.  but when do you ever think your special to someone but then you see this person acting the same with everyone else and you just kind of  Oh Alright. Sometimes you have to let people go because they are toxic to you. let them go because they take and take and leave you empty. Let them go because in the ocean of life when all you're trying to do is stay afloat, they are the anchor that's drowning you.

It's perfectly alright to be homosexual or bisexual

A lot of people, nowadays, won't take the time to realize that everyone's a person. It's 2015, why do we still use 'Gay' as an insult?!!!! I'm straight, but you know what, I'ts a sexual orientation, It really shouldn't matter at all.  We all deserve love, no mater what . It doesn't matter if you're homosexual, bisexual, straight, whatever. After all, we've all got a heart, lungs, and all that. If any of you reading this is not straight, that's perfectly okay!!! You should never, EVER let someone bring tears to your eyes. http://www.itgetsbetter.org/  

Review of Everybody sees the ants

Everybody sees the ants by A.S King I 'm so,  so   glad I decided to give King another try despite my mixed feelings over her Printz Honor,  Please Ignore Vera Dietz .  Everybody Sees the Ants  is an astonishingly wonderful gift to young-adult literature, one that I feel extremely fortunate to have read.  Since the age of seven, Lucky Linderman has been having dreams in which he visits his grandfather in the prison camp where he's resided since being listed as MIA in the Vietnam War back in 1972. When his grandmother died, she asked Lucky to get her husband back, and the dreams started that very night. Coincidentally, this was also the same day Lucky began being bullied by Nader McMillan. So are these dreams really a way to get his grandfather back and hopefully heal the wound Lucky's father's always had from having never met his own father, or are they just a way to escape the harsh reality that is Lucky's life?  Another escape comes in the form...